On 20/02/1947, the British Government had divulged its motive of giving power in British India(so called India,Pakistan,Bangladesh now) to United India #indiahistory by June, 1948. The British Government then contemplated that United India would toil towards emerging a #constitution which would be accepted by all members of the country.
Q.) Did the United India succeed in making a #constitution?
No, the delay in framing the Constitution for a new country was largely caused due to the fundamental discrepancy of the opinion on how India would emerge after freedom from the British Government as a "UNITED INDIA" or "DIVIDED INDIA". The Muslim League decided "not to take part part in the Constituent Assembly" that entrusted with the responsibility of framing a constitution of India thus forcing the British Government to explore the option of "#dividingIndia".
States under the Congress League and Muslim League:
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