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Mastering Bash Positional Parameters: A Comprehensive Guide

Positional parameters are used in Bash scripts to pass arguments to the script. These parameters are accessed using $1, $2, $3, etc., where $1 is the first argument, $2 is the second, and so on. $0 holds the name of the script itself. There are also special parameters like $#, $*, $@, $?, and $$ which have specific meanings.

Bash Positional Parameters: Basic Usage:

  • $0: The name of the script.

  • $1, $2, $3, ...: The first, second, third, ... arguments.

  • $#: The number of positional parameters (excluding $0).

  • $*: All positional parameters as a single word.

  • $@: All positional parameters as separate words.

  • $?: The exit status of the last command executed.

  • $$: The process ID of the current shell.

  • $!: The process ID of the last background command.


Bash Positional Parameters Positional Parameters

Bash Positional Parameters
Bash Positional Parameters

Iterating Over All Arguments

Using $@ to loop through all arguments:


for arg in "$@"; do

echo "Argument: $arg"


# Usage example:

# ./ arg1 arg2 arg3


Argument: arg1

Argument: arg2

Argument: arg3

Using $* in a loop (less common, usually $@ is preferred):


for arg in $*; do

echo "Argument: $arg"


# Usage example:

# ./ arg1 arg2 arg3 Output Argument: arg1

Argument: arg2

Argument: arg3

Shift Command: Bash Positional Parameters

shift is used to shift the positional parameters to the left. This means $2 becomes $1, $3 becomes $2, etc. After shifting, $# decreases by 1.


echo "All arguments before shift: $@"


echo "All arguments after shift: $@"

# Usage example:

# ./ arg1 arg2 arg3 Output: All arguments before shift: arg1 arg2 arg3

All arguments after shift: arg2 arg3

Handling Options with Positional Parameters

Handling command-line options and arguments can be done using a while loop and shift.


while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

case "$1" in


echo "Option A triggered"

shift # Remove the current parameter



echo "Option B triggered with argument $2"

shift 2 # Remove the current parameter and its argument



echo "Unknown option: $1"

shift # Remove the current parameter




# Usage example:

# ./ -a -b value other Output: Option A triggered

Option B triggered with argument value

Unknown option: other

Tips and Tricks

  1. Quoting $@: Always use "$@" to preserve the individual arguments as separate words, especially when arguments might contain spaces.

for arg in "$@"; do

echo "Argument: $arg"


2. Using shift: Use shift to process arguments one by one. This can simplify handling of a large number of arguments.

while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

echo "Processing: $1"




  • Positional parameters provide a powerful way to pass and handle input to Bash scripts.

  • Always handle positional parameters carefully, especially in scripts that might be run with different numbers of arguments or different types of inputs.

  • Use quoting and proper checks to ensure your script handles arguments safely and predictably.

  • Use shift to make argument handling more flexible and easier to manage.

Explanation for getopts Code

Bash Positional Parameters

This script uses getopts to parse command-line options. It supports two options: -a and -b, both of which require an argument. The script also handles invalid options gracefully.


while getopts ":a:b:" opt; do

case $opt in


echo "Option A: $OPTARG"



echo "Option B: $OPTARG"



echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG"




  1. Getopts: getopts is used to parse positional parameters.

  2. Options String: The string ":a:b:" specifies the options and their arguments:

  • : at the beginning suppresses automatic error reporting by getopts.

  • a: indicates that -a requires an argument.

  • b: indicates that -b requires an argument.

  1. Case Statement:

  • case $opt in starts a case statement to handle the options.

  • $opt contains the current option being processed.

  • $OPTARG contains the argument for the current option.

Usage Example:

./ -a value1 -b value2

Expected Output:

Option A: value1

Option B: value2

Notes: Bash Positional Parameters:

  • Suppressing Errors: The leading : in the options string ":a:b:" tells getopts not to print error messages for invalid options automatically. Instead, it sets opt to ? for invalid options, allowing the script to handle errors manually.

  • Arguments Required: The : after a and b indicates that these options require arguments. If the argument is missing, getopts will handle it according to the error suppression setup.

  • Option Arguments: $OPTARG is used to access the argument provided for the current option.

  • Invalid Options: The \?) case is used to handle invalid options, printing a custom error message.


In this comprehensive guide, we delved into the practical aspects of using positional parameters in Bash scripts. Understanding and effectively using positional parameters can greatly enhance your scripting capabilities, making your scripts more flexible and powerful. Here’s a recap of what we covered in Bash Positional Parameters:

  1. Basic Usage: We explored the fundamental concepts of positional parameters, including how to access script arguments using $0, $1, $2, etc., and the special parameters like $#, $*, $@, $?, $$, and $!.

  2. Practical Examples: Through various examples, we demonstrated how to use positional parameters in scripts to display script names, arguments, and iterate over all arguments.

  3. Shift Command: We discussed the shift command and its utility in managing and processing script arguments dynamically.

  4. Handling Options: We provided insights into handling command-line options using positional parameters and getopts, allowing for more complex and user-friendly script interactions.

  5. Tips and Tricks: We shared valuable tips on quoting $@, using shift effectively, checking for arguments, and leveraging getopts for advanced option parsing.

Key Takeaways: Bash Positional Parameters

  • Positional parameters offer a straightforward way to pass and handle inputs in Bash scripts.

  • Proper handling of positional parameters ensures your scripts can accommodate varying numbers and types of arguments.

  • Using shift and getopts enhances the flexibility and robustness of your scripts, making them easier to maintain and extend.

By mastering these techniques, you can write more efficient and powerful Bash scripts that handle inputs gracefully and perform complex tasks with ease. Keep experimenting and applying these concepts to improve your scripting skills continually. Happy scripting!

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